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WordPress Cherry 3.x. How to edit portfolio title length

Daniel Morales April 20, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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WordPress. How to edit portfolio title length

This tutorial will show you how to edit portfolio title length in WordPress CherryFramework based templates:


  1. Copy the file ‘filterable-portfolio-loop.php’ from ‘wp-content/themes/CherryFramework’ directory to ‘wp-content/themes/themeXXXXX’ folder, where XXXXX is your actual theme number.

  2. Open the file ‘wp-content/themes/themeXXXXX/filterable-portfolio-loop.php’ , where XXXXX is your actual theme number.

  3. Look for the ‘caption caption__portfolio div class. Locate the following code (approximately line 255):

  4. Change the digit ’40’ to any desired one. This parameter configures portfolio title length in characters:


  5. Save the changes. Refresh your page to see the changes.

Portfolio title length has been successfully changed.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress. How to edit portfolio title length

HTML Wordpress Themes
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