
Featured templates

WordPress. How to add a shortcode to a text widget

Jeff Bell August 3, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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This tutorial will show you how to add a shortcode to your widget in CherryFramework based templates.

WordPress. How to add a shortcode to a text widget

  1. The widgets are usually displayed in your Blog page Sidebar:


  2. Let’s add a Carousel with a shortcode in it.

  3. Please open a new page or post, select visual tab and create a shortcode using the jigsaw puzzle in your CherryFramework based template:


  4. Create a carousel filling all the fields needed with data you wish to have in your widget:


  5. Copy the shortcode you created from the page and navigate to the Appearance -> Widgets section of your site:


  6. Drag-and-drop Text widget to your Sidebar area or any other widget area needed:


  7. Paste the shortcode in the widget and after that save the changes:


  8. Refresh and check the Blog page now:


Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress. How to add a shortcode to a text widget

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