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WordPress. How to enable website caching

Tyler Warren March 9, 2017
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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Hello! This tutorial is going to show you how to install and manage WP Super Cache plugin to improve your website performance.

  1. Visit the official plugin’s page and download its package to your computer.

  2. Upload it to the Plugins -> Add new -> Upload section at your dashboard. You may refer to our tutorial on how to install a plugin to WordPress.

  3. To enable caching, go to Settings -> WP Super Cache. Turn Caching ON under the Easy tab, and hit the update status button.

  4. Then click on the test cache button to check if it is working. WP Super Cache will fetch your WordPress site twice and will compare the time stamps of both pages. If the both time stamps match then this means that caching is working on your site now.

  5. To setup WP Super Cache with advanced options, go to Settings -> WP Super Cache and click on Advanced tab.

  6. Check the ‘Cache hits to this website for quick access‘ box and try using mod_rewrite to serve cache files using an option, available below. Then update the status with the help of a corresponding button.

  7. Scroll down the page, you will see mod_rewrite rules that need to be added. Click on ‘Update Mod_Rewrite Rules‘ button to update these rules. Once mod_rewrite rules are updated this section will turn green.

  8. To resolve the notice about garbage collection, scroll down on the advance settings page to the Expiry Time & Garbage Collection section and set up a time and frequency for garbage collection of cached files on your server.

  9. You may also enable files compression by checking the ‘Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors‘ box.

  10. Most content websites serve a lot of static files with each page request. These files are JavaScripts, images, stylesheets, etc. Unlike your WordPress posts which are dynamically generated by PHP, these files can be served using a Content Delivery Network (CDN). To setup CDN with WP Super Cache, click on the CDN tab and check the box next to ‘Enable CDN Support‘ option. Enter your offsite URL, which will be the url of your pullzone. For example, . Lastly, check the box that says Skip http URLs to avoid “mixed content” errors and save changes. Now your website is now ready to serve static content from a CDN.

  11. The preload mode in WP Super Cache allows you to create super cache static files for all your posts and pages and serve a static website. Refresh preload cache files options will be set to zero by default, minimum required time is at least 30 minutes. Preloading your entire WordPress site takes some time and consumes a lot of resources on your server. You can leave it to 0 if you do not want your static files to expire ever unless you manually refresh cache.


That’s all, now you know more on how to manage site cache using the WP Super Cache plugin.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress. How to enable website caching

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