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VirtueMart 3.x. 如何使用完整包安装VirtueMart/Joomla模板.zip file

Amina Freinger April 10, 2015
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本教程将向您展示如何安装Joomla 3.x/VirtueMart 3.x template using

VirtueMart 3.x. 如何使用完整包安装VirtueMart/Joomla模板.zip file

如果您的服务器上没有安装Joomla,则使用此安装选项. The archive 模板包中包含Joomla、VirtueMart、模板和 sample data 文件,所以你不需要上传Joomla CMS package separately.


  1. Create a new database 用于新的Joomla安装. 你可以按照这个教程正确地做: How to create a database.

  2. 在PC上解压缩下载的模板包. In the "joomla" folder you will find file. 你应该把它上传到数据库 root folder on your server and unzip it.

    There are 2 ways to do it:

    1. Using a 3rd party FTP manager

      • Using an FTP-client upload and unzip.php (用于提取文件的文件 .Zip归档文件上传到 hosting server) files to the root folder on your server:

      • Type the path to ‘unzip.php’ file on your server (http://your_domain_name/unzip.php) in a browser address bar.

      • 您应该看到以下屏幕:

      • full_virtuemart_installation2
      • In the ‘"Choose your zip file" 框中选择上传的完整包.zip file.

      • In the "Unzip to" field specify the directory 想要提取文件的位置,或者如果想要将文件提取到相同的位置,则将其保留为空 directory.

      • 单击“解压缩”按钮继续.

        当所有文件被解压缩后,你会看到类似的信息: Archive “fullpackage.成功解压缩到“ROOT”目录。 directory.

      请确保设置正确的权限 directory 你打算在哪里提取文件. 权限应该是CHMOD 755或777,这取决于您的服务器配置.

    2. Using File Manager of the Hosting Control Panel

      • Log in your Hosting Control Panel and open File Manager. In the top menu click Upload button, browse the file and click Open:

      • 上传文件后,返回到 File Manager and refresh the page.

      • Select the uploaded fullpackage.Zip文件从列表中,并在顶部菜单中单击 Extract button and then click Extract File(s):




Open a browser 然后输入Joomla的路径 directory in the address bar (e.g. http://your_domain_name/joomla,如果您提取了fullpackage.Zip文件到服务器上的“joomla”文件夹). 您将被重定向到初始Joomla CMS installation page. Follow the installation steps:

  1. On the Configuration step, using the "Select Language" 框中选择Joomla安装语言.

    注意:“选择语言”框只允许您选择Joomla安装过程的语言. It won’t affect your website language.

    您需要填写表格中的所有字段 "Main Configuration" area. 必填字段用星号*标记.

    Fill the "Admin Email", "Admin Username" and "Admin Password" 字段,以创建新的Joomla website 具有管理权限的用户:


    IMPORTANT: "Admin Email", 访问您的Joomla网站需要“Admin用户名”和“Admin密码” backend. Keep them safe.

    When you are done, click the Next 按右上角的按钮继续.

  2. On the Database step you need to input your database details. 如果您不确定,请联系您的 hosting 提供程序以获取正确的详细信息.

    当您从头开始安装Joomla时,您只需要输入 "Host Name", "Username", "Database Name" and "Password". 通常可以将其他选项保留为默认值. 但是,根据您的情况,可能会有一些差异 hosting provider.

    When you are done, click the Next 点击右上角继续:

  3. On the Overview step select the Sample data 如果您想安装一个纯Joomla,请选择“None” website without any content.

    NOTE: Sample Data ,如果你想制作Joomla website 显示为模板现场演示与所有的图像,样例文本和模块配置. 要使您的站点显示为实时演示页面,请选择 sample data 包名为“sample_theme###”,其中###是主题的编号.


    Below you can check if the database 配置和管理面板访问详细信息是有效的,必要时将它们发送到您的电子邮件地址.

    你也可以检查你的安装设置,看看你的 hosting 服务器符合Joomla的要求. 如果在“推荐设置”部分有任何红色通知框,请与您的 hosting provider for further assistance.

    When you are done, click the Install 按右上角的按钮继续.

  4. The Installation Complete step. Congratulations! 已成功安装Joomla CMS.

    为安全起见,请删除 installation directory from your Joomla root directory.


    现在可以继续配置Joomla了 CMS based website. 点击“网站”按钮查看您的 website 或“管理员”按钮查看Joomla backend.

最后但并非最不重要的一步是 update the database:

  1. Navigate to Components -> VirtueMart -> Configuration -> Configuration, scroll down to the "Advanced Settings" section, mark the "Enable database Update tools" option and click Save & Close button in the top right corner.

  2. Now navigate to Tools -> Tools & Migration menu and click the "Install tables or if necessary update them" button.

Now you can check your site. 它应该看起来和工作的模板预览演示.

This is the end of the tutorial. 现在你知道如何安装Virtuemart 3了.x template using


VirtueMart 3.x. 如何使用完整包安装VirtueMart/Joomla模板.zip file
This entry was posted in Joomla! Tutorials, VirtueMart Tutorials and tagged fullpackage, install, joomla, VirtueMart. Bookmark the permalink.

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