You`ll easily create your own website with the KarDone Pets Store Shopify Theme! This theme based on one of the best eCommerce platforms is even more multipurpose.
Sales: 24
Support: 4.4/5
这个宠物店Shopify主题是最敏感的电子商务解决方案. There are various unique design options for the site and many page layouts with different types of headers, footers, and many...
Sales: 6
Support: 4.4/5
Pets friendly Store Shopify Theme perfectly fits for stores selling Pets and Animal Accessories. Theme is responsive and user-friendly as all the customization settings are provided in the admin. I
Sales: 19
Support: 4.3/5


养一只异国情调的宠物是很有挑战性的. 重要的是要考虑许多因素. Moreover, you may need to buy various items to ensure that your animal feels comfortable. That is when people may consider visiting online stores that have the necessary products. 如果你想建一个现代化的, attractive, 用户友好的网上商店, 考虑使用异国情调的宠物Shopify主题. 模板有助于减少创建网站所需的时间. 您不需要亲自实现不同的功能. At the same time, all themes provide you with endless customization possibilities. The versatility of templates allows you to achieve the desired result quickly.

Shopify野生动物主题-功能 & Characteristics


  • Shopify visual builder compatible - you may customize the design via a visual page builder. 它使编辑过程更容易和更快. 您还可以避免编辑代码.
  • Contact form - it is a great option to stay in touch with visitors and answer their questions.
  • Megamenu -你可以很容易地添加菜单,包括子菜单.
  • Official Shopify applications compatible - you may use all the official Shopify apps without having any compatibility issues.
  • 视差-深度效果将使您的在线商店看起来更有吸引力.
  • 谷歌地图-显示客户可以找到你的商店.
  • 谷歌字体-使用您喜欢的字体为您的项目.
  • Multiple currencies - it is a useful feature if you have clients in different countries.
  • 搜索表单——这个功能将帮助人们找到他们需要的东西.
  • Dropdown menu - add elegant menus that do not take up much space until a user clicks on them.
  • 分类选项——这是一个有用的功能,可以帮助人们选择产品.
  • Social media integration, detailed documentation, Ajax cart, multilingual, and more.


Templateog体育首页's products are ideal for everyone who wants to build a modern and 用户友好的网上商店. 如果你销售的产品是:

  • Aquariums.
  • Terrariums.
  • Cages.
  • 设备,确保适当的照明,温度和湿度.
  • 宠物食品等等.


Exotic pets Shopify themes are perfect both for small and large online stores. You can easily build an online shop that will combine contemporary design and great functionality. It helps to promote your online store, find new clients, and grow your business.


一切都从为你的在线商店找到模板开始. 请使用左侧面板,使搜索过程更快.

  • 选择标签、货币、样式、颜色、功能和其他选项. 它有助于过滤掉不符合您要求的产品.
  • 打开产品页面以了解更多有关它的信息.
  • 将其添加到购物车中,结帐并下载模板.
  • 安装并激活主题.
  • 自定义设计并上传您的内容,如照片,视频和文本.

测试你的网站. 一切都应该正常工作. There should be no problems with media files (stretched images, videos do not play). 确保没有错别字或错误信息.

要特别注意网站内容. 只使用高质量的图像. Please make sure there are enough photos of a product to allow clients to see it from various angles.

创建一个在线商店,你需要关注客户和他们的需求. 让你的网站用户友好是很重要的. 每个人都应该尽快找到他们需要的东西. 当您需要添加搜索表单或排序选项时,就是这种情况.

Website promotion is crucial, especially if you have just started and you do not have many clients. 这就是你应该考虑使用社交媒体的情况. 您可以使用流行的平台来推广您的网站. 有一个博客是个好主意. Consider adding SEO texts to make your website easier to find via search engines. In this case, a person may find an article first and then learns about your online store. Again, pay special attention to the article quality - it has to be interesting and useful.



首先,你需要决定你的在线商店需要什么功能. 在这种情况下,您将知道模板应该具有哪些特性. 也要注意设计. However, you should remember that you can easily modify the online store style.


Our templates come with detailed documentation that will help you achieve the desired result.


你可以拿回你的钱. 请查看我们的退款政策.


许多人使用手机和平板电脑在网上购物. A responsive website template ensures that your site will work properly on devices with various screen sizes and resolutions.


Watch a helpful video with the hottest wild animals designs for your Shopify store. 为有异国情调宠物的商店找一个完美的主题, zoos, 展览项目, 并使其盈利,以响应, SEO-friendly, 和完全成熟的不寻常的主题布局.