Magento documentation

TM Extensions Settings

Attention! 有些模块可能没有包含在模板包中. 本节描述模板中使用的所有模块的配置. 每个模板包都提供了一组模块,这些模块包含在该特定模板的设计中.

Google Map

给定的模块允许您嵌入谷歌地图到您的Magento网站. By default, 模块为您提供了两个地图:联系人页面上的地图和其他页面页脚上的地图.
这两个地图都可以通过Magento管理面板配置 System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Google Map section.

  1. Embed Map Settings 块表示在除联系人页面外的所有页面的页脚显示地图.
  2. Contacts Map Settings 块表示直接在联系人页面显示地图.
  3. 这两个部分都有相同的选项来配置映射的外观.

The module has the following options:

API key - 谷歌Api密钥是必要的地图的正确工作. You can receive and activate it by following the link.
Coordinates - 位置数据将显示在显示地图的中心. You can get this location data using Google Maps website or using this one.
Sensor - switching geolocation on and off.
Zoom - enlargement value (should not exceed 8).
Map Type - 显示地图的类型(路线图、卫星、混合等).).
Map width - width of the map.
Map height - height of the map.
Styles - display style of the map. 为了改变地图的外观,使用网站上提供的样式 snazzymaps.
Disable UI - hides the elements which control the map.
Scrollwheel - disables the mouse scroll option.
Draggable - 允许您使用鼠标左键或触摸(传感器)设备的手指移动地图.
Add marker - allows you to add the marker to the map.
Marker coordinates - sets the marker coordinates.
Marker title - 当将鼠标悬停在该文本上时将显示在工具提示中的文本.
Marker image - 如果要替换默认的标记图像,则使用标记图像的路径. The image is saved in the folder skin/frontend/default/themeXXX/images/ of your Magento installation.
Infowindow - 如果您单击该标记,将显示其他信息.

Facebook like box

You can configure it via Magento Admin Panel in System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Facebook section.

The module has the following options:

App ID - the identifier of your Facebook account. 为了使用Facebook Like box,您需要注册您的帐户. You can follow the link for further instructions.
Page URL - the URL of the Facebook account page.
Show Faces - 允许您隐藏或显示喜欢该页面的用户的照片.
Hide cover - allows to remove the background image in header.
Show Posts - 允许您启用/禁用页面上最近的帖子.
Height - the height of the module area.
Width - the width of the module area.

缺省情况下,模块显示在左列. But there are three display options: left, right and footer. 为了改变块的位置,你需要打开 tm_facebook.xml file located in the app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/layout folder of your installation.

This file includes three reference blocks with name="left" (name="right", name="footer") parameters.


Two blocks are commented out in this file. And only one block with name="left" is not commented out. It displays the module in the left column.

  1. Uncomment lines of code for name="footer" 块(上面代码示例中的最后一个)并注释掉该块 name="left" (the first one in the example of the code above).
  2. Open the file footer.phtmllocated in the app /设计/前端/违约/ themeXXX /模板/ / html页 folder.
  3. Paste the following code to the needed place:
    getChildHtml('tm_facebook_like_footer') ?>


Instagram module


中的管理面板中提供了所有配置选项 System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Instagram section.

The module has the following options:

Client ID - Instagram app identifier. 为了接收标识符,您需要使用以下方式注册您的应用程序 link.
Username - Instagram username which gallery you want to display.
Sample tag - tags used to display the images.
Product tag - is used to find the similar images, 标签的开头由选定的参数集组成. E. g.: #storetitleproductname, #productsku, #storetitleproductsku, etc.

Twitter module

中的管理面板中提供了所有配置选项 System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Twitter section.

The module has the following options:

Widget ID - Twitter widget identifier. 该标识符可以在您的小部件注册后接收 account in settings.
Account name - 要显示其提要的Twitter帐户用户名.
Color Scheme - widget skin color. It can be light or dark.
Layout enhancements - 允许部分隐藏小部件格式的元素.
Tweet limit - amount of tweets displayed in the feed.
Link color - allows to change the links color in the feed.
Border color - allows to change the border color in feed.
Height - height of the widget window.
Width - the width of the widget window.

By default, the block is displayed in the left column. But there are three display options: left, right and footer.
为了改变块的位置,你需要打开 tm_twitter.xml file located in the /app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/layout folder of your installation.

This file includes three reference blocks with name="left" (name="right", name="footer") parameters.


Two blocks are commented out in this file. And only one block with name="left" is not commented out. It displays the block in the left column.

  1. Uncomment the lines of code for name="footer" 块(上面代码示例中的最后一个)并注释掉 name="left" block (the first one in the example of code above).
  2. Open the footer.phtml file located in the app /设计/前端/违约/ themeXXX /模板/ / html页 folder.
  3. Paste the following code to the needed place:
    getChildHtml('tm_twitter_timeline') ?>

Now the Twitter block will be displayed in the footer.

Newsletter popup

您可以通过Magento管理面板启用/禁用该模块 System > Configuration > Templatemonster > NewsletterPopup section.

要编辑窗口的外观,您需要编辑 style.css file of the theme. 如果需要向弹出框块添加多个用户元素,则需要编辑 newsletterpopup.phtml file located in the app /设计/前端/违约/ themeXXX /模板/ tm / newsletterpopup folder.

Special price countdown

您可以通过Magento管理面板启用/禁用该模块,在 System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Special Price Countdown section.

要编辑计时器的外观,您需要编辑 flipclock.css (flipclock.less) file located in the 皮肤/前端/ / themeXXX / css / tm / specialpricecountdown违约 folder.